Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Since I closed my last private blog and opened this one, I've felt I can't completely open up and write how I truly want to. I am going to keep updating this blog, but it will be mostly about the kids and more fluffy fun life stories. My old blog will continue to be the truth of my life, the wonderful (and there is A LOT of it) and the less than perfect times. It is soothing to me, to be able to put down, into words what I'm thinking. For those I have invited to my private blog, thanks for not thinking I'm weird. If you read my blog before, please come back. Please note, it is located at: www.lindseythomp.blogspot.com If you would like to be invited, please feel free to leave a comment or email me. If I don't know you well, please, still leave a comment. I know a lot of times a blog I read goes private but I feel silly for requesting an invite. If not, keep checking here! Merry Christmas!